Commercial Wood Waste
North Yorkshire

We offer a dedicated commercial wood recycling service near you, to our business customers in North Yorkshire and the City of York.

  • Turn your wasteinto a commodity
  • Free waste auditand same day quotes
  • Eco-friendlywaste management
  • Talk directlyto your local provider
  • Free expertwaste advice
  • Yorwastecollected your way

Why choose Yorwaste?

  • Local
  • Cost-Effective
  • Personal
  • 2024_Gold Medal Award
  • british-safety-council
  • invest in people banner
  • nra winner trophy

Our Commercial Wood Waste Process

  • Your wood waste is collected by our dedicated fleet of vehicles and transported to a waste transfer centre near you.
  • On arrival, your wood waste is separated into different types of material, with any non-recyclable wood removed. It is then prepared for onward bulk transport to a specialist facility.
  • At the wood recycling facility, your recyclable wood waste is then processed using slow and high-speed shredders that reduce the wood to different sizes, depending on their future purpose.
  • The recycled wood fibre is put to a range of uses, including wood chips for landscaping, chipboard for construction and biomass fuel for a renewable energy source.
  • Eddy current separators are used to remove any metal from the wood (usually stray nails, screws, bolts, and other fasteners).

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Your Waste Journey

Success Stories

  • Education

    Thirsk School is a local high school with an ambition for recycling.

    • 4Tonnes

      of food waste removed from general waste annually

    • 5Tonnes

      of potential C02 saved annually

    • 23%

      cost reduction on general waste collection annually

  • Hotel

    Swinton Estate is a privately owned country estate near Masham, North Yorkshire.

    • New Award

      received for Sustainability

    • 22%Increase

      in Recycling Rate annually

  • The service provider was efficient, delivered on time, tailor-made the service to suit requirements. I cannot speak highly enough of this service.

    AES York LTD.
  • From the team in the office especially “Luby” to the drivers that came to Aldwark Manor Hotel I cannot fault their service, in fact, I highly recommend them!

    Leah FollingtonAldwark Manor Hotel, Golf & Spa
  • They listened to what we needed and sorted us with the correct waste bins a lot easier than other companies we have been with in the past.

    Mark Antony McCabeHollybrook Lodges

Legal Compliance

  • The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 require businesses to;

  • Sort and store waste safely and securely.

  • Ensure that you or your waste carrier has a valid waste carriers license and are registered to dispose of waste.

  • Failure to comply can risk a criminal conviction, fines, and seizure of assets. By signing up to Yorwaste you are meeting your obligation without the hassle of navigating through the legislation yourself.

Where does the waste go?

  • Initially, your waste will be transported to a local waste transfer station. Here, recyclable waste may be separated for onward transport to reprocessors, to be made into new products. Unrecyclable waste will be bulked up for transport to the county’s Energy from Waste facility, to be used as fuel to generate electricity.

  • We partner with Allerton Waste Recovery Park to ensure as much non-recyclable waste as possible is turned into energy for the local North Yorkshire area. We put the waste hierarchy at the very heart of our business, and do all we can to increase waste reduction, reuse and recycling where possible.

  • From community initiatives, such as Reuse Santa and Get Re-Cycling, to our team of recycling experts working closely with businesses to help their overall waste management strategies and maximise their recycling efforts.

  • The energy from recovered waste in Yorkshire currently powers around 40,000 homes in the Yorkshire area. By incinerating non-recyclable waste, we’re able to convert rubbish into energy!

  • The ash that is produced during this process is also recycled to create materials for the construction industry, further closing the gap in waste production in the Yorkshire area. It’s even estimated that 2.5% of the UK’s energy is powered by recycled materials, so why not join the cause and be an advocate for environmentally friendly waste management?

News & Blog


What is commercial wood waste?

Commercial wood waste refers to the various wood by-products of commercial activities or manufacturing processes. This includes:

  • Discarded timber from sawmills, furniture makers, and paper manufacturers.
  • Broken pallets from the storage, packing, and haulage industry.
  • Damaged and disused timbers from the building trade

Discarded branches and material from tree pruning are regarded as green waste and dealt with.

How should commercial wood waste be stored?

You should store your wood waste in designated waste containers that can be accessed by our collection team. The size of these containers will vary depending on how much wood waste your company produces – our team will advise you on the right size for your needs.

As you can see, choosing Yorwaste for your commercial wood waste needs offers a variety of benefits. Further, if your business generates a wide variety of different waste streams, exploring our total waste management service can offer a whole range of additional benefits, including lower waste disposal costs.

Which businesses need a commercial wood waste service?

A commercial wood waste service is particularly beneficial for businesses that generate large quantities of wood waste. This includes businesses in the following industries:

However, we can provide a commercial wood waste service for any business that requires it across the North Yorkshire area. As well as the industries listed above, we have worked with businesses in retail, events planning, and more. So, whatever your needs, rest assured we can tailor a solution to manage and dispose of your wood waste responsibly and efficiently.

Which areas do you provide commercial wood waste services for?

Our commercial wood waste service is available to business customers across North Yorkshire, from York and Ripon to Scarborough, Skipton and beyond. For a full overview of the locations we can provide commercial wood waste services for, take a look at the handy location map on our homepage.

However, we can also provide waste management services for businesses outside of this area. Get in touch today to discuss your needs and we will do our best to accommodate you.